How Do I Change the Footer Credit in WordPress?

Changing the Footer Credit in WordPress
Sometimes, you may want to change the credit located at the bottom of a WordPress blog post or page. This credit typically reads “Written by [Your Name].” You can change this credit to something more meaningful and personal, such as “Created with [Your WordPress Theme Name]” or “With [Your Favorite WordPress Plugin].” The best way to change the footer credit is to first locate the file that stores the footer information in WordPress, and then open it in a text editor. To find this file, open the “wp-config.php” file in your WordPress installation directory. The footer credit is located near the end of this file, just after the “} // end of wp-config.

php” line. To change the credit, you’ll need to replace the “Written by” text with the name of the person or plugin that created the content. For example, if you are the author of the content, you would replace “Written by” with “Created with [Your WordPress Theme Name]” or “With [Your Favorite WordPress Plugin].” You can also add a custom credit if you want. For example, you could add “Developed with [Your Favorite WordPress Plugin]” to the end of the credit. Once you’ve replaced the text, save the file and reload your WordPress blog.