How Do I Change the Structure of My WordPress Site?

There are many ways to structure your WordPress site, but the most common approach is to have a main content area with a sidebar for categories and posts, and then a footer for copyright and contact information.

To change the structure of your WordPress site, you’ll first need to determine what you want to achieve. If you just want to reorganize your content, you can use the built-in WordPress tools to do this.

If you want to create a new site from scratch, you’ll need to use a plugin or create a custom theme.

Once you’ve determined what you want to achieve, you can start to look for plugins or themes that can help you. Some popular plugins that can help you change the structure of your WordPress site are WordPress SEO by Yoast and WPBakery Page Builder by WPBakeryCo.

Both of these plugins offer features that allow you to customize the layout and design of your site.

Once you have your plugin or theme installed, you can start to reorganize your content. To do this, you’ll first need to choose a main content area and then create posts in that area.

You can then add a sidebar for categories and posts, and a footer for copyright and contact information.

Once you’ve reorganized your content, you can start to improve your site’s SEO by adding keywords and providing alt text for images. You can also use plugins like Yoast SEO to help you with this.

Finally, you’ll want to create a blog or podcast and add that content to your site. This will give your site additional reach and help you build an audience.

Once you’ve completed these steps, your WordPress site will be more organized and user-friendly, and it will be easier to achieve your goals.