How Do I Add a WordPress User to phpMyAdmin?

Adding a WordPress user to phpMyAdmin is a relatively simple process. First, you will need to log in to phpMyAdmin.

If you are not already logged in, click the “Log In” link at the top of the page. Once you are logged in, click the “Users” link on the left side of the page.

On the “Users” page, you will see a list of users. Click on the “Add User” button next to the WordPress user you wish to add.

On the “Add User” form, you will need to provide the user’s login information. You will also need to provide a password for the user.

Click the “Log In” button to enter the password into the form.

After you have entered the user’s login information and password, click the “Add” button to add the user to the phpMyAdmin database.

Congratulations! You have added a WordPress user to phpMyAdmin.