How Do I Change the Size of a Slideshow in WordPress?

If you want to change the size of a slideshow in WordPress, you can do so by following these simple steps:

1. In the WordPress admin area, go to the Media section and select the slideshow you want to adjust.

2. Click the “Settings” button next to the slideshow.

3. In the “Slideshow Settings” window, click the “Image Size” tab.

4. On the “Image Size” tab, you’ll see three options: “Original,” “Thumbnails,” and “Fit Screen.”

5. To change the size of the slideshow, click on the “Original” option and enter a new width and height in the fields that appear.

6. Click on the “Save” button to save your changes.

7. Click on the “Close” button to exit the “Slideshow Settings” window.

8. Click on the “Play” button to view your new slideshow size!


Changing the size of a slideshow in WordPress is easy to do, and you can easily adjust the width and height of your slideshow to suit your needs.