How Do I Change the Order of Pages in a WordPress Menu?

If you want to change the order of pages in a WordPress menu, there are a few different ways to go about it. The easiest way is to use the built-in WordPress menu editor.

You can access the menu editor by clicking on the “Menus” link on the left side of the WordPress admin screen. Once you’re in the menu editor, you can drag and drop the pages in the menu to change their order.

If you don’t want to use the menu editor, you can also use the wp_menu_order function to change the order of pages in a WordPress menu. wp_menu_order() accepts an array of menu items as its parameter.

The first item in the array will be the first menu item on the page, the second item in the array will be the second menu item on the page, and so on. You can also use the wp_nav_menu() function to add or remove menu items from a WordPress menu, but wp_menu_order() is the better option because it allows you to change the order of menu items without affecting the position of menu items in the admin screen.