How Do I Change the Position of the Menu in WordPress?

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) used to create a website or blog. One of the features that make WordPress so popular is the ability to customize the layout of the website using menus.

However, many users find that the menus are positioned in a way that is not ideal for their website or blog. In this article, we will discuss how to change the position of the menus in WordPress.

To change the position of the menus in WordPress, first open the WordPress admin area by clicking on the admin logo at the top of the WordPress screen. Then, click on the Appearance link in the left-hand sidebar.

On the Appearance page, under the Menu section, click on the Customize navigation links button.

On the Customize navigation links page, under the Menus section, click on the Position link. On the Position page, you will see three options for the position of the menus: Top, Bottom, and Left.

You can also choose to disable the menus completely by deselecting the Enable Menus option.

To change the position of the menus in WordPress, select the position you want the menus to be in and then click on the Save button.