How Do I Change the Order of My WordPress Orders?

There are a few ways to change the order of your WordPress orders. The easiest way is to use the “orderby” filter.

To do this, go to your order list and add a “orderby” filter. For example, to change the order of your orders by date, you would use the filter “orderby=”date(created_time)” .

Another way to change the order of your orders is to use the “order” filter. To do this, go to your order list and add a “order” filter.

For example, to change the order of your orders by title, you would use the filter “order=”title” .

If you’d like to change the order of your orders by category, you can use the “orderby=”category()” filter. For example, to change the order of your orders by category, you would use the filter “orderby=”category(name)” .

Finally, you can also use the “orderby=”menu_order” filter. This filter will change the order of your orders based on the order in your menu.

For example, if you have a menu called “Products” and your order list is in “Menu” order, you would use the filter “orderby=”menu_order” to change the order of your orders.