How Do I Add a Custom Field Image in WordPress?

Adding a custom field image in WordPress is easy. In the Appearance > Custom Fields screen, expand the Fields tab and click on the Add new field button. Provide a name for the field, and select the type of data that you want to store in the field (string, number, etc.). In the Field Type dropdown, select Image. Click on the Add field button. In the Add field window, select the image file that you want to use for the custom field.

You can either browse to the file on your computer, or use the Upload button to upload the file directly to WordPress. Click on the Save button. In the Custom Fields window, click on the field that you just created, and click on the Edit button. Click on the Image field tab, and select the image that you want to use for the custom field. Click on the OK button. Click on the Publish button to publish the changes that you made to your WordPress site.