How Do I Change the Number of Columns in WordPress?

In WordPress, there are default columns that are automatically created for you, depending on the theme you are using. However, if you want to change the number of columns in WordPress, there are a few different ways you can go about doing this.

One way is to go to your WordPress admin area and under “Appearance”, select “Columns”. Here, you can change the number of columns that are displayed by selecting the appropriate number from the drop-down menu.

Another way to change the number of columns in WordPress is to use a custom theme. If you are using a custom theme, you will likely have to edit the theme’s files to change the number of columns.

To do this, you will need to locate the theme’s header file (usually located at the root of the theme directory) and edit the “cols” variable. This variable determines the number of columns that will be displayed in the theme’s header area.

Finally, you can also use a third-party plugin to change the number of columns in WordPress. These plugins are typically easy to install and use and will allow you to change the number of columns in a variety of different ways.