How Do I Change the Logo on My WordPress Login Page?

Logos are important on websites and they can help to distinguish a site from others. A good logo can also help to create a sense of identity for a site.

One way to change the logo on a WordPress login page is to use a custom header file. You can create a header file by using a text editor like Wordpad or Notepad and saving the file as login-logo.php.

The file should contain the logo for your site and you can place it in the same directory as the wp-config.php file.

To use the logo on your login page, you will need to include the header file in your wp-config.

To do this, you will need to locate the file and open it with a text editor. Within the file, you will need to locate the following line:.

define(‘WP_USE_THEMES’, true);

You will need to change the value of this line to false to disable the use of themes. After you have made the changes, you will need to save the file and upload it to your server.

When you login to your WordPress site, you will now see the new logo on your login page. You can also use the logo as a background image for your login page.

You can find more information about customizing your WordPress login page in the WordPress Codex.