Where Is the WordPress Admin Page?

WordPress is an open source content management system (CMS) that enables you to create a website or blog from scratch, or to improve an existing website. The WordPress admin page is the main page on your WordPress site where you can manage your website’s settings and content.

To access the WordPress admin page, go to your website’s root directory (where the files are located that make up your website), and then open your website’s index.php file. In the file, you’ll see a line that reads:

Before you can access the WordPress admin page, you need to include the get_header() function. This function will take care of loading the WordPress admin page header.

Next, you need to include the WordPress admin page’s main template file. To do this, add the following line of code to your index.php file:

This line of code will load the admin template file. The admin template file contains all the code necessary to create and manage your WordPress site’s settings and content.

Once the get_template_part() function has been included and the admin template file has been loaded, you can access the WordPress admin page by using the get_header() function again and passing it the word ‘admin':

Once the get_header() function has been used, you’ll see the WordPress admin page header appear. The WordPress admin page contains a number of important settings and controls that you can use to manage your website’s content and settings.

The WordPress admin page is a powerful tool that can help you to manage your website’s settings and content. If you’re new to WordPress, or if you need help getting started, be sure to check out the WordPress documentation website.

The WordPress documentation website contains a wealth of information about using WordPress, including step-by-step guides and helpful video tutorials.

The WordPress admin page is a valuable resource that can help you to manage your website’s settings and content.