How Do I Change the Login Page in WordPress Without Plugins?

Many WordPress users are familiar with the login page, which is located at wp-login.php.

The login page contains a list of users who are currently logged in, as well as a form for users to enter their username and password. Although the login page is easy to use, some users may want to change the page’s content or layout.

To change the login page in WordPress without using plugins, you first need to open the wp-config.php file. This file is located in the root of your WordPress installation, and it contains information about your site, such as the site’s name and login page location. To change the login page, you’ll need to locate the line that defines the page’s content, and then change the value of the WP_LOGIN_URL parameter.

For example, if the login page is located at wp-login.php, you would change the value of WP_LOGIN_URL to something like

Once you’ve made the desired changes to the wp-config.php file, you’ll need to restart your WordPress website.

Once your site has restarted, you’ll need to log in again to see the new login page content.