How Do I Change the Front End Language in WordPress?

If you want to change the front-end language in WordPress, you first need to find the file that controls this. To do this, open your WordPress admin area (usually located at and click on the “Front-End” tab. This tab will show you a list of all the languages that WordPress supports. The language you want to change will be at the top of this list. To change it, simply click on the language you want to use and WordPress will take you to the file where this language is stored.

In most cases, this file is located in the /wp-content/themes/ folder. Once you have found this file, you will need to change the language code inside it to the language you want to use. For example, if you want to use French as the front-end language, you would change the language code in this file to “fr”. Once you have done this, save the file and you are ready to go.