How Do I Make a Front End Page in WordPress?

Creating a front end page in WordPress is a relatively simple process. First, locate the “Pages” section of your WordPress Admin area.

Click on the “Pages” tab, and then select the “Add New” link at the top of the screen.

Next, enter the name of your new page in the “Name” field, and then select the “Theme” from the list of available themes. Click on the “Choose” button next to the “Theme” field, and select the “Frontend” template from the list of available templates.

To finish setting up your new front end page, enter the desired information into the “Content” and “Style” fields. The “Content” field can be used to display content from your WordPress blog, while the “Style” field allows you to select a specific theme style for your page.

Finally, click on the “Create” button to finish setting up your new front end page.