How Do I Change the Proudly Powered by the Footer in WordPress?

When you start a new WordPress site, you might want to include a Proudly Powered by WordPress message at the bottom of your page. However, if you’re using a custom header, you may not be able to use the Proudly Powered by WordPress message.

In this article, we’ll show you how to change the Proudly Powered by the Footer message in WordPress.

To change the Proudly Powered by the Footer message in WordPress, first you’ll need to open up your WordPress site in your browser. Next, you’ll need to go to the Settings page. On the Settings page, you’ll find the header and footer sections.

In the header section, you’ll find the “Proudly Powered by WordPress” message. To change the message, you’ll need to click on the “Text” button and then enter the new message into the text box.

Finally, you’ll need to click on the “Update Settings” button to save the changes to your site. When you’re finished, you’ll see the new message in the header section of your WordPress site.

Now that you’ve changed the Proudly Powered by the Footer message in WordPress, you can use this message to show your website’s dedication to WordPress. Finally, you’ll be able to show your visitors that your WordPress site is powered by WordPress, and not by any other website.