How Do I Change the Admin Email in My WordPress Database?

Email addresses in a WordPress database can be changed using the wpdb::update_user() function. However, before making any changes, it is important to first determine which user account is currently being used to administer your site.

This can be done by querying the wpdb->users table. Once the account name has been determined, the wpdb->update_user() function can be used to update the user’s email address.

After updating the user’s email address, it is important to ensure that the new address is propagated to all the site’s posts, pages, comments, and trackbacks. This can be done by using the wpdb->update_post() function, the wpdb->update_page() function, the wpdb->update_comment() function, or the wpdb->update_trackback() function, depending on the object type being updated.

Finally, it is always a good idea to make sure that the user’s login information is up-to-date. This can be done by using the wpdb->update_user() function to update the user’s login credentials, or by using the wpdb->update_user_meta() function to update the user’s metadata.