How Do I Change My Screen Options on WordPress?

If you want to change your screen options on WordPress, there are a few different ways you can go about it. The first option is to go to the Settings page and click on the Screen Options link. This will take you to the Screen Options page where you can configure your screen options. The second option is to go to the Appearance > Screen Options page and configure your screen options there.

The third option is to use the Screen Options plugin. Finally, you can use the Screen Options command line tool.

The most important thing to keep in mind when configuring your screen options is to make sure that your screen options look good on all devices. You can make your screen options look good by using a standard screen resolution, a custom screen resolution, or a resolution that isfit for your device.

You can also configure your screen options to use a different font size, color, and font style.

When you are configuring your screen options, it is important to remember to adjust the settings for each screen size. You can do this by clicking on the Size icon next to the screen size you want to adjust and selecting the appropriate size from the list.

You can also adjust the screen options for different devices by using the Device dropdown menu.

Finally, it is important to remember to test your screen options before you go live with them. You can test your screen options by clicking on the Test Screen Options link.

This will take you to the Screen Options Test page where you can configure your screen options. You can also use the Screen Options plugin to test your screen options.