How Do I Change a Screenshot in WordPress?

In general, screenshots can be taken in a few different ways in WordPress:
#1: By using the WordPress Screenshot function. On the main screen, click on the “Posts” menu item, then on the “Screenshot” button.

WordPress will take a snapshot of the currently visible post, and save it in the media library.

#2: By using the WordPress Media Library. To take a screenshot of a post, click on the “Take a Screenshot” button on the post’s detail page.

WordPress will take a screenshot of the post and save it in the media library.

#3: By using the WordPress Media Library and the WordPress “Print” button. To print the screenshot, click on the “Print” button next to the screenshot.

So, how do you change a screenshot in WordPress?

To change a screenshot in WordPress, first identify which method you used to take the screenshot. For example, if you took the screenshot using the WordPress Screenshot function, you would go to the “Posts” menu item, and then to the “Screenshot” button.

On the “Screenshot” screen, you would select the post you want to change the screenshot for, and then click on the “Change Image” button. WordPress would open the chosen post’s edit screen, and you would be able to edit the screenshot as you would any other post content.