How Do I Change Meta in WordPress?

One of the most important features of WordPress is its ability to manage content. This includes everything from setting up custom post types to managing comments and posts.

One of the best ways to manage content is to use meta data. Meta data is information about the content of a page or post, and it can be used to help search engines find and index your content.

To change meta data in WordPress, you first need to find the post or page you want to modify. Next, open the post or page in the editor.

On the toolbar, click the meta icon ( ). In the meta box that opens, you’ll see three main sections: title, description, and keywords.

To change the title, enter a new title in the title text field. To change the description, enter a new description in the text field.

To change the keywords, enter a new keyword in the keyword text field.

When you’re finished editing the meta data, click the Save button to save the changes to the post or page.