How Do I Center an Image in HTML WordPress?

When you want to center an image in HTML WordPress, you can use the align attribute. You can use the center or middle alignment option. The attribute can take one of the following values:




The left alignment option places the image to the left of the content, while the right alignment option places the image to the right of the content. The center alignment option places the image in the middle of the content.

To use the align attribute, simply add the attribute name, followed by a colon (:), and the alignment option you want to use. For example, to center an image in HTML WordPress, you would use the align attribute like this:

My Image.

If you want to change the alignment after the image has been uploaded, you can use the class attribute. The class attribute allows you to apply a style to the image after it is uploaded.

For example, you can add a style like this to your custom theme’s functions.php file:.

add_action(‘init’, ‘my_theme_init’); function my_theme_init() { wp_head(); // Add theme support functions here } add_action(‘after_setup_theme’, ‘my_theme_after_setup’); function my_theme_after_setup() { // Add custom css here }

Then, you can use the class attribute like this:

My Image.

Finally, you can add a closing tag to the img element to complete the HTML code:
