How Do I Bulk Edit Authors in WordPress?

Bulk editing authors in WordPress is a fairly straightforward process. First, locate the authors list in your WordPress blog’s administration area.

This list will typically be located under the “Posts” menu item. Once you locate the list, click on the “Edit” button next to the author’s name.

In the “Edit Author” screen, you’ll first need to select the posts you want to bulk edit. Once you’ve selected the posts, click on the “Bulk Edit” button to begin the process.

Next, you’ll need to enter a new name for the author. WordPress will automatically populate the “Name” field with the post’s title, but you can also enter a custom name if you prefer.

Finally, you’ll need to enter a new biography for the author. WordPress will automatically populate the “Bios” field with the post’s content, but you can also enter a custom biography if you prefer.

Once you’ve completed the bulk editing process, you’ll need to save the changes to the author’s profile. Click on the “Save” button to save the changes to the author’s profile, and then hit the “Publish” button to publish the updated author profile to your blog.

Finally, hit the “Back to Posts” button to return to the main blog post list.