How Do I Bulk Edit a Product Description in WordPress?

Bulk editing a product description in WordPress is simple. To start, open the product’s page in the WordPress admin area. Next, locate the “Description” field and click on it. On the resulting screen, you’ll see a list of all the content in the Description field.

To edit any of it, just click on it and start typing. The WordPress editor will automatically update the text as you go. When you’re done, just hit the “Update” button at the bottom of the screen and your changes will be live.

If you want to make more detailed changes, you can also use the WordPress “Text Widget” plugin. This plugin lets you add custom fields to your product pages, which you can use to hold different types of information.

For example, you could add a “Short Description” field to hold a longer, more detailed description of the product. When you install the Text Widget plugin, it will automatically add a “Short Description” field to the “Description” field on all your product pages.

Finally, if you want to create a completely new product page, you can use the “Product Pages” plugin. This plugin lets you create new, custom product pages without having to edit any of the existing product pages.

Just enter the URL for your new page in the “Page URL” field, and you’re ready to go.