How Do I Add Video to Carousel Slider in WordPress?

Adding video to your carousel slider in WordPress can be done in a few simple steps.

1) First, add the video you would like to include to your blog post or page. You can add the video using any method you like, such as uploading it using a web browser or using a file-sharing service like Dropbox.

2) Once you have the video added, you will need to add a few lines of code to your WordPress post or page. In the WordPress editor, locate the carousel slider you want to add the video to, and locate the “add video” button.

3) On the “add video” button, you will need to paste the following code:

4) You can optionally include some other parameters on the “add video” button, such as a description of the video, the director, and the rating. You can also include keywords in the credits field to help Google and other search engines index the video more easily.

5) After you have added the code to the “add video” button, you will need to click on the “save changes” button to save the changes to your WordPress post or page.

6) Finally, you will need to add a link to the video in your carousel slider. You can do this by locating the “add video” button on your slider and copying the link that appears in the “code” field.

You can then paste the link into the “href” field of your carousel slider.

That’s all there is to it! Adding video to your carousel slider in WordPress is a simple process that can help increase the viewership of your blog posts and pages.