How Do I Enable Image Carousel in WordPress?

WordPress image carousel is a great way to present a gallery of images on your website. To enable it, you first need to install the WP Image Carousel plugin.

Once installed, you can add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file:.

add_action(‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘image_carousel_enqueue’); function image_carousel_enqueue() { wp_enqueue_script( ‘image-carousel’, ‘1.0.3’, array( ‘jquery’ => ‘1.11.

1′, ‘wpcarousel’ => ‘1.3’ ) ); }.

In the above code, you’re loading the WP Image Carousel plugin and the jquery and wpcarousel libraries. Next, you need to add a carousel to your website. To do this, open the WP Image Carousel plugin and drag and drop a carousel onto the page. You can also use the drag and drop controls to create a carousel on the fly.

Once the carousel is on the page, you can add images to it by clicking the “Add Image” button. You can also change the carousel’s settings by clicking the “Settings” button.

In conclusion, image carousel is a great way to present a gallery of images on your website. To enable it, you first need to install the WP Image Carousel plugin and then add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file:.