How Do I Add Tags to Taxonomy WordPress?

Adding tags to a WordPress taxonomy can be a powerful way to help organize and search through your content. To add tags to your taxonomy, first open the taxonomy in your WordPress admin panel.

Then, click the “Add New Tag” button.

Enter the tag name into the “Name” field and the tag description into the “Description” field. Click the “Save” button to add the tag to your taxonomy.

To find the tags that have been added to your taxonomy, open the “Tags” menu item in your WordPress admin panel and select the “All Tags” option. This list includes all the tags that have been added to your taxonomy, as well as any tags that have been imported from another source.

You can also use the “Find in Page” feature to find specific tags in your content. To do this, open the “Tags” menu item in your WordPress admin panel and select the “Find in Page” option.

This will open a search box that you can use to find specific tags in your content.

Finally, you can use the “Edit Tags” feature to add, delete, or change the tags associated with a particular piece of content. To do this, open the “Tags” menu item in your WordPress admin panel and select the “Edit Tags” option.

This will open the “Tags” screen for the piece of content that you are editing.

Click the “Add Tag” button to add a new tag to the content. Enter the tag name into the “Name” field and the tag description into the “Description” field.

Click the “Save” button to save the tag changes.

You can also use the “Delete Tag” button to remove a tag from a piece of content. To do this, open the “Tags” menu item in your WordPress admin panel and select the “Delete Tag” option.

Click the “Delete Tag” button to delete the tag from the content. Click the “Yes” button to confirm the deletion.

Finally, you can use the “Import Tag” feature to add a tag from another source. To do this, open the “Tags” menu item in your WordPress admin panel and select the “Import Tag” option.

This will open the “Import Tags” screen.

Select the tag file that you want to add the tag to and click the “Open” button. The tag will be added to the content that you are editing.


Adding tags to your WordPress taxonomy can help you manage and search through your content.