How Do I Add Single Language to WordPress Menu?

Adding a single language to your WordPress menu is as simple as following these steps:

1. Create a new file in your WordPress admin area called wp-config.php and add the following line to it:

define( ‘LANGUAGE’, ‘en_US’ );

2. Update the wp-config.

php file to include the desired language code. For example, if you wanted to add Spanish to your menu, you would add the following line:.

define( ‘LANGUAGE’, ‘es_ES’ );

3. Activate your new language code by selecting the Language option in the WordPress admin area and selecting your new language from the options list.

4. To test your new menu language, go to your WordPress Dashboard and click on the Posts menu item.

You should now see your menu in your chosen language.

5. If you need to make any changes to your menu, you can do so by editing your wp-config.

php file and updating the LANGUAGE definition.