How Do I Add Products to WordPress?

Adding products to WordPress is a simple process that can be done in a few clicks. The first step is to create a new product in WordPress. Once the product is created, you will need to add the following information:

Name: The name of the product

Description: A brief description of the product

Price: The price of the product

Category: The category the product belongs to

Once the product information is added, you will need to add a product image. To add an image, you will first need to access the WordPress Media Library.

Once in the Media Library, you will need to find the product you want to add an image to and click on the image to open it in a new window. Once the image is open, you will need to add a link to the image in the product information.

The final step is to add the product to the WordPress website. To do this, you will first need to click on the Products menu item and then click on the Add New Product button. When the Add New Product window is displayed, you will need to enter the information for the product. You will also need to add a category and a price.

You can then add a product image and a link to the image. Once the product information is complete, you will need to click on the Publish button to add the product to the website.


Adding products to WordPress is a simple process that can be done in a few clicks. Once the product is created, you will need to add the following information: Name, Description, Price, Category. Once the product information is added, you will need to add a product image. Once in the Media Library, you will need to find the product you want to add an image to and click on the image to open it in a new window.

The final step is to add the product to the WordPress website. You can then add a product image and a link to the image.