How Do I Add Credit to WordPress?

Adding credit to WordPress is a simple process that can be done in a few minutes. First, open the wp-config.

php file in your WordPress installation. Next, locate the line that reads.

define( ‘WPRIVATE_KEY’, ‘your_private_key_here’);

and replace your_private_key_here with the actual key that you obtained from your WordPress account provider. Finally, add the following line to the end of the file:

define( ‘WPLOADPATH’, ‘/var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/’ );

Your WordPress installation should now be configured to add credit to your posts and pages. To add credit to a post, simply click the Add Media button on the post editor page, and select the Credit option from the menu that appears.

To add credit to a page, open the page in the WordPress editor, and click the Add Media button on the page editor toolbar. Select the Credit option from the menu that appears, and enter the appropriate credit information.