How Do I Add Privacy Policy to WordPress Footer?

Adding a privacy policy to your WordPress footer is a simple process that can help protect your site’s users from unwanted data collection and tracking. To add a privacy policy to your footer, follow these simple steps:

1. Open your WordPress site’s header.php file and locate the following line of code:

define(‘WP_PRIVACY_ADMIN’, ‘’);

2. Update the value of this line to match the email address of your site’s privacy policy administrator.

define(‘WP_PRIVACY_ADMIN’, ‘’);

3. Save your changes to header.


4. Open your footer.php file and locate the following line of code:


5. Add the following code after the }:

”>Privacy Policy

6. Save your changes to footer.

7. To test your policy, visit your site’s URL and click the “Privacy Policy” link.

Your policy should appear in the footer of your site.

You’re now ready to protect your users’ privacy on your WordPress site. If you have any questions or concerns about adding a privacy policy to your WordPress footer, don’t hesitate to contact your site’s privacy policy administrator.