How Do I Add HTML Code to WordPress Footer?

Adding HTML code to the WordPress footer is a simple task, and can help to improve the look and feel of your site. To add HTML code to your footer, first open the WordPress footer menu item (usually located in the admin area), and then select “Add New Item.” This will open the Add New Item dialog box, where you will need to enter the following HTML code:

Once you have entered the code, click the “Add” button to save the footer item. You can then select the footer item from the WordPress footer menu, and modify it as you please.

Be sure to save your changes before you exit the WordPress footer menu item, or you will lose your changes. Finally, you can optionally add a link to the footer item from your site’s header area, by entering the following code:.


The footer code will appear in the same location on all pages on your site, regardless of the page’s theme. You can also use the footer code to include custom content, such as your site’s logo or copyright information.

If you have any questions or problems adding HTML code to the WordPress footer, be sure to contact your site’s administrator.