How Do I Add Multiple Locations to a WordPress Map?

Adding Multiple Locations to a WordPress Map

Adding multiple locations to a WordPress map is easy. First, open your WordPress map in the admin area. Next, click on the Locations tab and add the locations you want to include. Click on the Add button and enter the location information.

You can also add images to your locations. When you’re finished, click on the Save button to save the map.

Now, you can use the map to display the locations in a variety of ways. You can add the locations to posts and pages, use the map as a widget, or embed the map in your website.

You can also use the map to find your way around your website.

To use the map as a widget, simply add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file:

array( ‘location_1′ => ‘location_1_name’, ‘location_2′ => ‘location_2_name’ ), ‘scale’ => 1, ‘center’ => ‘0,0’ ), ); ?>

To use the map as a post or page attachment, add the following code to the post or page you want to use it on:

To embed the map in your website, simply add the following code to your HTML code:

Your Location

Finally, to use the map as a widget, add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file:

‘location_1_name’, ‘location_2′ => ‘location_2_name’ ), ‘scale’ => 1, ‘center’ => ‘0,0’ ); ?>


Adding multiple locations to a WordPress map is easy. You can use the map to display the locations in a variety of ways, including as a widget, post or page attachment, and embedded in your website.