How Do I Change My WordPress Subscriber Role?

If you are wanting to change your subscriber role in WordPress, there are a few different ways to do so. The most direct way is to go to your WordPress admin area and under “Users”, select your user name and click on the “Subscribers” tab.

Here, you will be able to change your role to any of the available options.

If you would rather not go through the hassle of logging in to your WordPress admin area, you can also change your subscriber role by editing your custom subscribers file. This file is located in the wp-content/plugins/subscribers folder and is usually named subscribers.php.

When you open this file, you will see a list of all of your custom subscribers and their respective roles. To change your subscriber role, you will need to edit this file and change the role of your desired subscriber.

Regardless of how you change your subscriber role, it is important to remember that you will need to re-activate your subscription to take advantage of the new role. To do this, you will need to go to your WordPress admin area and under “Settings”, select “Subscription” and then click on the “Activate Subscription” button.