How Do I Add Messenger to WordPress?

Adding Messenger to WordPress is easy. All you need to do is install the messenger plugin and configure it to work with your WordPress site.

Once configured, you can start sending and receiving messages from your WordPress site users.

To install the messenger plugin, click the link below and enter your WordPress site’s domain name in the “Enter site’s domain name” field. Once the plugin is installed, you will see a new plugin button on the WordPress admin area’s “Plugins” menu.

Click on the plugin button to open the plugin’s settings page.

On the plugin’s settings page, you will need to enter your WordPress site’s domain name and the login information for your Messenger account. You will also need to set up a secret message that will be used to identify your site when messages are being sent.

Once you have entered your site’s domain name, login information, and secret message, click the “Save settings” button to save the changes.

Now that the plugin is installed and configured, you can start sending and receiving messages from your WordPress site users. To send a message, click on the “Send Message” button on the plugin’s main page.

To receive a message, click on the “Receive Message” button on the plugin’s main page.