How Do I Add Delivery to WordPress?

Adding Delivery to WordPress
There are a few ways to add delivery to your WordPress site. You can use one of the many plugins that deliver content directly to your site or you can use a plugin to add delivery capabilities to your blog.

One plugin that you can use to add delivery capabilities to your blog is WP Smush. WP Smush is a plugin that allows you to compress your blog posts before they are delivered to your site.

This can save you bandwidth and improve the speed of your site.

Another way to add delivery to your WordPress site is to use a plugin like WP Rocket. WP Rocket allows you to automatically add delivery capabilities to your WordPress site.

This plugin will help to optimize your posts for delivery and can help to increase your site’s traffic.

Adding delivery to your WordPress site can be a useful way to increase your site’s traffic. If you are interested in adding delivery to your WordPress site, be sure to check out the many plugins that are available.