How Do I Add a Scroll in WordPress?

Adding a scroll in WordPress is easy. First, create a new widget area and name it “Scroll.” Next, add the following code to your widget area:

‘textfield’, ‘#title’ => ‘Scroll content’, ‘#default_value’ => __( ‘No content yet.’ ), ‘#description’ => __( ‘This area will display a list of posts or pages, one at a time.

Use the scrollbar to move between them.’ ), ‘#width’ => 250, ‘#height’ => 250, ); } ?>.

The first line of the code loads the scroll_init() function, which we’ll use to create the scroll area. The next line sets up the items variable. This variable will contain a list of items that will be displayed in the scroll area. The #type key specifies that the items in the list should be textfields.

The #title key specifies the title of the textfield, and the #description key specifies the text that will be shown next to the title. The #width and #height keys specify the size of the textfield.

The last line of the code sets up the scroll area. The #width and #height keys specify the size of the scroll area, and the #items variable contains the list of items that were set up in the previous line.