How Do I Add Form Data to WordPress Database?

Adding form data to WordPress is easy. You can use the WordPress post editor to enter the data, or you can use a plugin like Gravity Forms to do it.

The process is basically the same, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, you need to decide how you want to store the data. You can either add it directly to the post, or store it in a custom post type.

If you add it to the post, make sure you include a form action and a form id. The form action tells WordPress which file to open when the user clicks the submit button, and the form id tells WordPress which form to use.

Second, you need to decide how you want the data to be processed. You can either process it on the server side (using a plugin like WP Super Cache), or on the client side (using Gravity Forms or another plugin).

If you process it on the server side, make sure you include a form process hook. This hook tells Gravity Forms what to do with the data when it’s submitted.

Finally, you need to decide how you want the data to be displayed. You can either include it in the post itself, or store it in a custom post type and use a custom template.

If you include it in the post, you need to include a form field for it, and you need to include a form action and a form id.

That’s all there is to it! Adding form data to WordPress is easy and convenient, and there are plenty of plugins and resources available to help you get started.