How Do I Add a Form Code to WordPress?

Adding a form code to WordPress is a relatively easy process. The first step is to create a new file in your themes folder called forms.

php. Within this file, you will need to include the following lines of code:.

Next, you will need to create a register_form() function within your theme. This function will be responsible for registering your form code with WordPress. Within this function, you will need to include the following lines of code:

function register_form() {

register_form( ‘my-form’, array( ‘action’ => ‘my-action’, ));


Finally, you will need to add a form action to your my-action function. This action will be responsible for routing the form submission to the correct WordPress post or page. Within this function, you will need to include the following lines of code:

function my-action() {

if ( isset($_POST[‘my-form’])) {

// process form data here

Now that your form code is in place, you can add a form to your WordPress site by following these simple steps:

1. Create a new post or page in your WordPress site.

2. Add a form to this post or page.

3. Enter the form code that you added to your themes folder into the form fields.

4. Click the submit button to send the form data to the WordPress post or page.

5. Enjoy your form!.