How Do I Add Files to WordPress Media Library?

Adding Files to the WordPress Media Library is Simple

To add files to your WordPress Media Library, simply drag and drop the files you want into the media library window. The files will be added to the library and will be available for use in your posts and pages.

To view the files in your WordPress Media Library, simply click on the “Files” tab and then select the files you want to view. The files will be displayed in a list format and you can click on any file to view the associated post or page.

If you want to add the files to your posts without having to view the files first, you can simply drag and drop the files into the post content area. WordPress will automatically add the files to the post and they will be available for use in your posts.

If you want to delete the files from your WordPress Media Library, simply click on the “Files” tab and then select the files you want to delete. The files will be displayed in a list format and you can click on any file to delete it.

Lastly, if you want to rename the files in your WordPress Media Library, you can click on the “Files” tab and then select the files you want to rename. The files will be displayed in a list format and you can click on any file to rename it.


Adding files to your WordPress Media Library is easy and you can use the files in your posts and pages without having to view the files first.