How Do I Add HTML Tags to My WordPress Site?

Adding HTML tags to your WordPress site is a simple process that can help you to improve the organization, presentation, and accessibility of your content.

To add HTML tags to your WordPress site, first browse to your WordPress site’s theme folder (usually located at wp-content/themes/) and open the file named “header.php.

” Within the header.php file, you’ll find a section named “header template.” Within this section, you’ll find the following lines of code:.

To add an HTML tag to this file, you’ll need to replace the existing text with the appropriate tags. For example, to add a tag for a heading, you would use the


To add a tag for an image, you would use the tag.

Once you’ve added the appropriate tags, you’ll need to save the file and refresh your WordPress site. Once the site has reloaded, you’ll see the changes in place.

If you need to remove a tag from a file, you can do so by replacing the tag with an empty string (for example, ). If you need to remove all the tags from a file, you can use the