How Do I Add Drag and Drop in WordPress?

Adding drag and drop functionality to WordPress is fairly straightforward. There are a few different plugins available, but the simplest way to add it is to use the WordPress drag and drop plugin. Once you have installed the plugin, you will need to add a few lines of code to your WordPress theme or plugin. The first line is to add the wp-drag-drop plugin to your plugin directory. The second line is to add the wp-drag-drop library to your WordPress library. The final line is to add the wp-drag-drop class to your WordPress theme or plugin.

After you have added these lines of code, you will need to add a few lines of code to your theme or plugin to enable the drag and drop functionality. The first line is to add the wp-drag-drop object to your theme or plugin. The second line is to add the wp-drag-drop function to your theme or plugin. The final line is to add the wp-drag-drop action to your theme or plugin. After you have added these lines of code, you will be able to add drag and drop functionality to your WordPress site.