How Do I Add Custom PHP Code in WordPress Pages?

Adding custom PHP code to WordPress pages can be a helpful way to customize the look and functionality of a particular page or post. Custom PHP code can be added through the WordPress core code or by using a third-party plugin.

To add custom PHP code to a WordPress page, first locate the page’s source code on the web server. The source code for a WordPress page is typically located in the wp-content folder.

Next, locate the page’s header file, which is typically located at wp-includes/theme-name/page-header.php.

The header file contains the theme’s main template code for the page.

Next, locate the page’s custom PHP code block. The custom PHP code block is typically located at the bottom of the header file.

The custom PHP code block should include the WordPress script name and the page’s file path.

To activate the custom PHP code block, include the script name and the page file path in the section of the page’s source code.

Finally, include the custom PHP code in the page’s section. The custom PHP code should be placed between the

tags that define the page’s content area.