How Do I Add Conversion Tracking to My WordPress Site?

Conversion tracking is a feature that allows webmasters to track the number of visitors who convert into paid customers after visiting their website.

There are a few different ways to add conversion tracking to a WordPress site.

The easiest way to add conversion tracking is to use a plugin. A few popular plugins that offer conversion tracking include Google Analytics for WordPress and AddThis for WordPress.

Once you have installed the plugin, activate it and add a conversion tracking code to your website’s header.

To track conversions, you will need to set up a Google Analytics account. Once you have set up your account, add a tracking code to your website and activate the conversion tracking.

You can also track conversions using a third-party tracking tool. One such tool is uTrack.

uTrack allows you to track conversions without having to set up a Google Analytics account. .

Once you have installed uTrack and added a conversion tracking code to your website, you will need to set up tracking data. You will need to provide uTrack with the name of the customer account that you want to track, the date and time of the conversion, and the URL that was visited after the conversion.

uTrack will then track the number of visits, the number of conversions, and the total revenue generated from the conversions.

Overall, conversion tracking is a valuable tool that can help webmasters track the success of their website’s conversion rates. It can also help you identify areas of your website that need improvement.

If you are interested in adding conversion tracking to your WordPress site, one of the easiest ways to do so is to use a plugin. Alternatively, you can use a third-party tracking tool like uTrack.

Either way, it is important to have accurate data so that you can make changes to your website that will improve its conversion rates.