How Do I Add an Image Path to WordPress?

Adding an image path to WordPress can be done in a few different ways. One way is to use the Media Library.

Another way is to use the WordPress functions. The WordPress functions provide a way to add files to your site without having to use the Media Library.

To use the Media Library, first navigate to the Media Library in the WordPress admin area. Then, click on the Add New Image button. The Add New Image window will open. In the File field, type the path to the image you want to add to your site.

Then, in the Folder field, type the path to the folder where the image file is located. Finally, in the File Size field, type the size of the image file in bytes. Click the Add button to add the image to your site.

To use the WordPress functions, first make sure that the image you want to add to your site is in the same directory as your WordPress site. Then, enter the following code into your WordPress site in the section:

Next, enter the following code into the section of your WordPress site: