How Do I Add an Email Subscription to WordPress?

Adding an email subscription to your WordPress site is easy. First, go to your site’s admin area and click on the “Settings” link in the left-hand column. This will take you to the WordPress Settings screen.

In the “General” section, find the “Email Subscription” link and click on it. You’ll be presented with a screen that looks like the one shown in Figure A.

Figure A – The Email Subscription Screen

The first step is to enter your email address. You can either type it in directly or use the WordPress built-in email address form.

WordPress will use this address to send out the site’s new email subscription notices.

The next step is to decide what kind of notification you want to receive. WordPress offers three options: New Posts, Comments, and Updates.

Whichever option you choose, WordPress will send you an email notification for that particular area of your site.

The final step is to specify a delivery frequency. You can choose to receive an email notification each time something new happens in that particular area of your site, or you can choose to have WordPress send you an email every week.

When you’re finished, click on the “Save Changes” button to save your changes. WordPress will then send you a confirmation email.

Click on the link in that email to confirm your subscription. Once you’ve confirmed your subscription, you’re done!.
