How Do I Add a Subscription to Mailchimp on WordPress?

Adding a subscription to Mailchimp on WordPress is easy. First, you need to create a new Mailchimp account. Once you have created your account, you will need to add your domain to Mailchimp. Once you have added your domain, you will need to add the Mailchimp subscription form to your website. To add the form, you will need to go to the Add Pages tab in your WordPress administrator and find the Mailchimp subscription form. Once you have found the form, you will need to copy the code that is shown and paste it into the editor of your website.

After you have pasted the code, you will need to fill out the form with the necessary information. Once you have filled out the form, you will need to click on the Save Changes button. After you have clicked on the Save Changes button, you will need to click on the Publish button. After you have clicked on the Publish button, your subscription form will be published on your website. Finally, you will need to add a link to the subscription form on your website. After you have added the link, you will be able to subscribe your customers to your Mailchimp account.