How Do I Add a Popular Post Widget to WordPress?

Adding a popular post widget to your WordPress site is a quick and easy process. Once you have installed the widget, all you need to do is add some basic information and your widget is ready to go.

To add a widget to your WordPress site, first visit the Widgets page and search for the widget you desire. Once you have found the widget, click on the link to go to its download page.

On the widget download page, you will need to enter your site’s information. This information includes the URL of your site, the name of the widget, and the WordPress theme you are using.

Once you have entered your information, click on the “Install” button to install the widget. The widget will now be installed and you will be able to access it from the Widgets page.

To use the widget, simply select it from the Widgets page and enter the information you want displayed on the widget’s main screen. The widget will then start displaying the posts from your chosen WordPress site.