How Do I Add a Recent Post Widget to WordPress?

Adding a recent post widget to WordPress is easy. All you need to do is go to the Widgets area of your dashboard and select the “Add a New Widget” button. Once you’ve clicked this button, you’ll be presented with a window that allows you to select the widget type. In this case, we’ll be selecting the “Recent Posts” widget. After you’ve made your selection, you’ll be asked to provide a few details about the widget. These details include the name of the widget, the widget type, the widget location, and the widget extra.

In the “Extra” field, you can specify whether or not the widget should show the number of posts currently displayed, or only the first post. After you’ve filled out these details, click the “Create” button. The widget will now be added to your WordPress dashboard and you’ll be able to select it from the Widgets area. Finally, you’ll need to add a few lines of code to your WordPress theme’s functions.php file. These lines will tell WordPress how to display the widget. The complete code for this example can be found below:.

add_action( ‘widgets_init’, ‘my_widget_init’ ); function my_widget_init() { register_widget( ‘recent-posts’, ‘my_widget’, array( ‘name’ => ‘Recent Posts’, ‘type’ => ‘content’, ‘location’ => ‘widgets-area’, ‘extra’ => true, ) ); }.