How Do I Add a Video to a WordPress Slideshow?

Adding a video to a WordPress slideshow can be a great way to add some extra entertainment to your site. There are a few different ways to add a video to a slideshow, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The easiest way to add a video to a WordPress slideshow is to use the Media Library. You can access the Media Library by clicking on the Media tab on the left-hand side of the WordPress admin panel, or by going to http://yourdomain.

com/wp-content/uploads/slideshow/ in your browser.

The Media Library contains all of the media files on your site, including the videos you uploaded using the Media Uploader plugin. To add a video to a slideshow, just click on the video file and drag it into the slideshow window.

One downside of using the Media Library is that you can’t add videos that are larger than 2GB. Also, you can’t use the Media Library to add videos that are embedded in other websites.

The second way to add a video to a WordPress slideshow is to use the Media Library plugin. This plugin is available from the WordPress plugin repository, and it lets you add videos from any external website.

To use the Media Library plugin, first install it from the WordPress plugin repository. Then, go to the Media Library screen in the WordPress admin panel, and click on the Add Media button.

The Add Media screen lets you add videos from any external website. Just enter the URL of the video file, and the Media Library plugin will automatically add the video to your slideshow.

One downside of using the Media Library plugin is that you can’t add videos that are larger than 2GB.

The third way to add a video to a WordPress slideshow is to use the Media Library plugin and the WordPress media library shortcode.

To use the Media Library plugin and the WordPress media library shortcode, first install the Media Library plugin from the WordPress plugin repository.

The Media Library plugin also includes a shortcode, which you can use in your WordPress posts and pages to add videos to your slideshows. Just paste the shortcode into the content area of your post or page, and the Media Library plugin will automatically add the video to your slideshow.

One downside of using the Media Library plugin and the WordPress media library shortcode is that you can’t add videos that are larger than 2GB.


There are three different ways to add videos to a WordPress slideshow: using the Media Library, using the Media Library plugin, and using the WordPress media library shortcode. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The Add Media screen lets you add videos.