How Do I Add a Navigation Menu to a WordPress Post Page?

Adding a navigation menu to a WordPress post page is a simple process. First, create a new menu item in the WordPress backend.

You can do this by going to Appearance > Menus and creating a new menu item. Give your menu item a name and a description, and then click Save.

Next, create a new child menu item in your new menu item. You can do this by going to Appearance > Menus and clicking on the plus button next to the child menu item you just created.

Enter the name of your new menu item and the description of your new menu item, and then click Save.

Finally, add a link to your new menu item from the post page. To do this, go to the post page and click on the link icon in the bottom left corner.

Enter the name of your new menu item in the text field that appears, and then click Save.

Your navigation menu is now complete!.