How Do I Add Navigation Menu in WordPress Elementor?

Adding navigation menu in WordPress Elementor is easy. There are a few different ways you can do it, depending on what type of navigation menu you want to add.

If you want to add a static navigation menu, you can create a custom post type and add a custom menu item to the post type’s menu. To do this, open the post type’s settings page and add a menu item called “Custom Menu Item.”

If you want to add a dynamic navigation menu, you can create a custom post type and add a custom menu item to the post type’s menu. To do this, open the post type’s settings page and add a menu item called “Custom Menu Item (Dynamic).”

Then, add a navigation menu to your WordPress site using one of the following methods:

1. Add a Navigation Menu to a Custom Post Type

To add a navigation menu to a custom post type, first create a custom post type and add a menu item to the post type’s menu.”

2. Add a Navigation Menu to an Existing Post

If you want to add a navigation menu to an existing post, you can do this using the Add New Menu Item button in the WordPress post editor. To do this, open the post’s settings page and add a menu item called “Custom Menu Item. Add.